Thursday, March 19, 2009


In case you were wondering, like Hurley and I were, namaste (Sanskrit in origin) is a generally spoken greeting or salutation with a literal translation of "I bow to you." That's interesting since it seemed Jack and Co. were pretty much "bowing" to Sawyer and Co. this whole episode. I liked the scene with Jack and Sawyer at the end, when Sawyer basically told Jack that he is in control now. I don't think Jack is going to just lay down and let that happen though.

I loved the opening of this episode, seeing how the Ajira flight ended up on Island #2. Kudos to Lapidus for being so cool about the landing. I'm liking his character a lot this season. Sun follows Ben into the jungle. This episode had some creepy parts in it, the first of which was when Ben suddenly appears behind Sun....but she got even when she whacked him with the boat oar. She's a woman on a mission!! When her and Lapidus finally get to present-day Dharmaville, they encounter creepy part number two of the night.....

Christian Shephard. He's looking well for being a dead guy. It totally creeped me out though when the door was opening. BTW, did we all notice the whispers right before we saw him?? Not to mention the trees shaking when they got to the island that were probably Smokey. In any case, Christian tells Sun she's got a bit of a journey before she can reunite with her hubby. Better go find Marty McFly and Doc Brown, Sun.
One of the first things I noticed when I saw this scene was The Muppet Show playing on the screen in the upper left corner! ha ha!! "It's time to get things started, on The Muppet Show tonight." Jin is looking for any sign that a plane landed on the island after finding out that's how Jack & Co. got to the island. Instead, he finds Sayid in the jungle and takes him back to The Flame where Radzinsky is building the model of The Swan station. LaFleur (a.k.a. Sawyer) gets called in and basically saves Sayid's a$$ and takes him back to Dharmaville and locks him up. In another creepy turn of events, Sayid (now the captive) gets a visit from......dun....dun...dun.....

child Ben. Remember when Ben was Sayid's prisoner? It was interesting how child Ben interacted with Sayid....interesting and creepy. This kid is doing great at playing his part. According to the producers, this is just the beginning of Ben's story line, so be prepared to learn a lot more about the notorious island bad guy.

One last thing to note. Last week I had mentioned that I thought the 4-Toed Statue could be Horace, but I have changed my mind after hearing different theories and now I am on the Taweret bandwagon. The following is a Wiki entry describing the Egyptian goddess of fertility. I am thinking that possibly when this statue gets destroyed (thus leaving only the 4 Toed part), that will be the time when babies are no longer able to be born on the island. It's protector will be destroyed.

Early during the Old Kingdom, the Egyptians came to see female hippopotamuses as less aggressive than the males, and began to view their aggression only as one of protecting their young and being good mothers, particularly since it is the males that are territorially aggressive. Consequently, Taweret became seen, very early in Egyptian history, as a deity of protection in pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women wore amulets with her name or likeness to protect their pregnancies. Her image could also be found on knives made from hippopotamus ivory, which would be used as wands in rituals to drive evil spirits away from mothers and children.
In most subsequent depictions, Taweret was depicted with features of a pregnant woman. In a composite addition to the animal-compound she was also seen with pendulous breasts, a full pregnant abdomen, and long, straight human hair on her head.

BTW, Juliette isn't too happy that Miss Kate is back, is she??? Hmmm...Kate better be careful if she gets under a car in the motorpool...that jack might just slip.

1 comment:

Shannon Morgan Photography - Bainbridge Island, WA Photographer said...

i am so ticked!! our tivo didn't record the last five minutes of the show!! so frustrated!! love the right up!!