Thursday, March 26, 2009

"If I were to say to you.....Sayid you couldn't get much higher...

....Come on baby, light my fire!!!
Okay. I know that was a little cheesy, but I thought it fit nicely with last night's episode, He's Our You. Let's face it, mind-altering, truth-telling drugs were not too hard to come by in the '70s, so it's no wonder that the hippie Dharma witch doctor (Oldham) would have such unique "torture" methods. I'm sure it beats bamboo under the fingernails. However, lets begin with little Sayid....
Even at like 10 years old, Sayid was already a bad a$$. Chickens....'s all the same to Sayid. Not really too surprising. However, I do notice that same, "I can kill you with my bear hands, but I'm really just a big softie at heart" kind of look in his eyes even as a child.
So Oldham questions Sayid after doping him up and Sayid proceeds to tell them all the truth about why he is there....the 100%, no fingers crossed truth. He even proceeds to tell them, "I am from the future." Best line of the night was Oldham, "Maybe I should have just given him half a dropper." Luckily, they all think Sayid is just tripping and they do not believe anything he says. Lucky for Mr. LaFleur & Co.
Also, we found out how Sayid ended up on the Ajira flight. I thought it was funny how Sayid says, "Can we take a different flight?" after seeing Jack and Hurley at the airport. I had thought there was a possibility that Ben ended up bloodied and bruised on the flight from Sayid, but this scene almost confirms my suspicion that Ben indeed went to try to kill Penny and it is in fact Desmond who roughed him up.
The big shocker moment came in the last 2 minutes of the show when young Ben, thinking Sayid is taking him to The Others' camp, follows Sayid into the jungle, only for Sayid to knock out Jin, take Jin's gun and proceed to shoot young Ben right through the heart with it. Good shot Sayid. Of course, a lot of people are saying, "Oh no....Ben's dead..." blah blah blah!! Sorry, not buying it. Kate will flash her eyelashes at Jack and get Jack to save him....or Juliette will step up and do it....or the island/Smokey will heal him....or Oldham may have some more "magic dust." Whatever the reason, Ben will be least physically. This is probably the straw that breaks the camel's back though. I think he will definitely "snap" after this betrayal. No wonder he has always been so crazy mean to Sayid.
I have read a potentially very spoilery rumour about the filming of the season finale. However, I don't know how reliable it is and because a lot of people do not like to be "spoiled" I am leaving it up to my blog readers to determine if they want to hear it or not. Leave me a comment of yea or nay and let me know.

1 comment:

Tearz said...

Hell YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring on the spoiler! So glad you do this weekly snapshot of the show. Tv acted up last night and only saw up to the point of Sayid trippin (Ps. I was lovin the Sayid episode last night!! Who-ho!). I couldn't wait till this morning to check out your blog. Now, spill the goods on the spoiler~