Thursday, February 12, 2009

The return of Smokey!!

One of the biggest mysteries on the island is the Black Smoke Monster. Where does it come from? What is it's purpose in regards to the island, etc?? Well, in last nights episode, we seem to have gotten a glimps at least of where the smoke monster originates from....The Temple, which is where Ben tells his people to go at the end of season 4. It was interesting to see how Danielle's group encountered the smoke monster and how it is possibly the cause of their "sickness." That said, they should have listed to Jin and ran when they had the chance!!!

"No John, I told YOU to move the island." So the question is, was John really supposed to move the island?? Do we believe a dead guy (Christian Shepherd) or do we believe the sneaky con artist (Ben)?? Regardless, now that John has turned the wheel, I think the time traveling will stop and our on-island losties will be stuck in whatever time the last jump puts them in....which I believe will be while Dharma is on the island. The good news is that maybe it will mean no more nose bleeds/headaches but the bad news's Dharma. I think the on-island group will be stuck in the "little girl Charlotte" time period which will set up Daniel to be able to tell child Charlotte not to come back to the island....something I eluded to after seeing the first episode this season.

Yes, it seems Charlotte is dead....and she died on the island. Which, in Karen-theory-land, means she is really dead-dead. However, with the time traveling, we should still get to see her story pan out, just like we are getting Rousseau's. I am curious what she said to Jin before she died. It seemed quite intense and so far there are no translations out there. I will keep looking though. One theory is that while she was laying there, skipping through time, she sees Sun back on the island and dying. OH NO!!!!! Also, there is speculation that Charlotte's daddy could be none other than.....dun...dun...dun.....BEN!!! Interesting.
So next week, it seems the 06, or at least some of them, will maybe make it back to the island. I am surprised that they are already back, but excited to see what will happen to them now. Also, I love Desmond's line, "You are all going back to the island....willingly???" I'm right there with you brutha!! Go back to your yacht and sail off into the sunset with Penny and Charlie. :D Nothing spoilery this week other than....Jacob is.....(time flash).

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