Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Have you ever thought about what you would do if you could go "Back to the Future?" That was a truly great all-time movie, not only for us 80s' geeks. I recently thought about "McFly's" trip back in time when he visits his ancestors from the old west and meets his great, great grandfather. How awesome would that be?? I would love to go back in time to spend time with my dad when he was young.
I can't even imagine what life was like for my 9-year-old dad as he climbed into the family's truck and drove himself to work at the local dairy farm, milking cows for $.10 a day. Having to provide for the family as my grandfather was seriously injured, my dad would take every penny he made home to my grandma so she could use it for groceries. Move ahead a couple of years to age 12, when my dad was working at the local movie house. I could listen to how the crowd would cheer him on when he walked down the aisle to pull the curtain for the movie to start. Or, I could watch my young father working like a man in the hay field from dusk 'till dawn but never slowing down for a minute and being asked to come inside at the end of the day and share a meal with the farmer and his wife.

I could move ahead another few years to age 15, when my dad and a couple of his cousins traveled across the country in a beat up car that none of them thought would make it to the next town, let alone California. I could listen to the stories and tales they would tell each other as they were camped by the side of the road each night on their week-long adventure out west. Can you imagine letting your 15-year-old child do something like that today?
Once in California, we move ahead again to my 16-year-old father working in the great outdoors for a local tree mill. Each evening, all the men would gather around a campfire and cook their meal while they reflected on their day's work, laughed, joked and just shared the joy of being able to earn a decent living. My father, being one of the youngest, was still highly respected because of his dedication to his job and his unquestionable reliability. Are there many 16 year olds today that could be this dependable and reliable?
With Father's Day coming up this weekend, I can't imagine blogging about anything else today. My father is my first true hero...someone I look up to and respect more than anything on this earth, next to God. He has always been the strength and backbone of our family and I am so thankful that God chose him as my dad. Make sure you tell your dad how much you love him this weekend....and all the weekends after.

I love you, Dad!!

1 comment:

Tearz said...

Your dad is amazing! I feel proud that I have met him a few times and that I love his daughter that he raised with such values.