Wednesday, April 2, 2008

First blog, ever.

Back in the day, I think this would be equalled to writing your "BFF" a note and then taking meticulous time to fold it into an envelope or some other creation. Then, you would proudly chunk it across the room to your friend who is assigned the seat as far away from you as possible.

In trying to think of what I should blog about, only one thing came to mind. My new-found love. Nope, I'm not talking about the mascarpone brownies (but I will be trying those). Ansel Adams once said, "Sometimes, I do get to places just when God is ready for me to click the shutter." It is a true wonder to me how I could have gone so long without knowing how much I enjoyed photography. I am truly humbled by the support and encouragement I have received since starting this journey. I hope it continues for a very long time.

1 comment:

Tearz said...

You are truly amazing. You have such a gift and I'm so glad that you are sharing it with us "not so talented at taking pics" people. I love ya and love the picture.